Sustainable agriculture is a major challenge for the coming decades, both in terms of productivity and the preservation of global agricultural resources. Its principle is based on the three pillars of sustainable development developed in 1992 at the Rio Summit:
Pillars of sustainable agriculture, organic farming advocated by the FNAB (National Federation of Organic Agriculture), peasant agriculture supported by the FADEAR (Federation of Peasant Agriculture), and economical agriculture defined by the RAD (Network of Sustainable Agriculture) stand out from intensive agriculture through the involvement of stakeholders in environmental preservation, the production of quality products, and the creation of social ties.
To meet these requirements, ACTION PIN has committed to an eco-responsible approach by developing products of natural origin for use in organic agriculture, in accordance with regulations EC 834/2007 and 889/2008.
To this is added the Pin Terpenes Technology developed by ACTION PIN for its products, which brings precision and security to treatments.
By choosing biocontrol combined with terpenes technology, ACTION PIN supports farmers in implementing more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.
In 2018, nearly 3.7 million hectares of crops benefited from Pin Terpenes Technology.
*Actilandes TM® is not covered by this certification as it is an herbicide adjuvant.